October 26, 2011

Flow of life

There were two gods. Ballet and Modern. Ballet's parents were Musicality and Control. Modern's was Flow and Collapse. Ballet and Modern ruled the world. They had three wonderful kids. Ice Skate, Jazz, and Gymnastics. Modern had a sister who was Water. Water had two daughters, Swim and Tunes. Of course, the line continues. Ice Skate had a daughter, Water Ballet, Jazz's son is Broadway, and Gymnastics created Olympics and History. Swim had two children, Track and Ball, and Tunes became Symphony. History ended up with two kids, Hollywood and Paint. Broadway produced Plays and Musical. Ball, of course, produced the NFL.
These gods ruled the world. The afteraffects of all these great activities on the world became not so good however.

Hollywood created Money, which created Charity and Violence which lead to Jealousy, Guns, and Drugs. Jealousy lead to affairs. Drugs led to Prescence of oneself.
Paint brought Sculpting and Engineering. That led to Cities and Vehicles with of course brought Electronics and Pollution. Electronics created Phones which led to Drama. Drama brought Suicide and Theatre. Suicide has self realization and reunion, which brings about change and companionship. That brings friendship. Theatre leads to Honesty and Masks. Honesty brings discipline and push, which eventually brings out accomplishment. Then occurs Confidence, Failure, and Luck. Sexiness and Joy produce from Confidence, and Surprise from Luck.
Pollution leads to Green people and forgiveness and care.
Musicals brought about Tradition which led to Holidays which lead to War and Religion. From Religion Fear and Politics were born. Politics lead to Laws, and Adoption.  Law brings about Reflection and Justice. From Reflection Compassion and Creativity are able to make Open Minds, Adventure and Food. Open Minds create Chance and Ideas, where Board games and Video games come from. Boardgames brought Fun and Snacks. Adoption brings about Hope and Longing.
Food creates Glutteny, Restaurants, and Theft. Theft leads to Prosecution and Satisfaction.
So all in all, all things end good.

July 27, 2011

Written by Candace Brook

Thank you for da suggestion... something about a foot....
Here ya go Erin :)
That shoe,
That sock,
Whatt is wrong with you to torture me like that.
That shoe,
Gives me blisters of pain,
Makes me ache after I walk for awhile,
Creates sunc high temps that could kill!
That sock,
Like putting a plastic bag over your head,
Skin tight and not comfortable,
increasing temps like the shoe!
You foot torturer!
I'd rather be murdered,
The shoe and sock are bullies!
I'm your foot!
Save me!
I'd like to see you walk without me,
One day you'll regret this torture.
I'll get you,
And your shoes and socks too.

July 25, 2011

A Carl's Jr. robs McDonald's

A Carl's Jr. Star sneaked quietly up to the McDonald's door. Staying just out of sight of the cameras, the star looked for the signal. When it appeared, he took the key out of his tip pocket and opened the door and slipped inside. McDonald's was known for their Big Macs and McCafe. The star walked into the freezer and pulled out all the Big Mac buns and sauce and stacked them in front of a wall on a cart. Star stacked all the coffee items he could find on top of that: grounds, filters, pots, syrups, and makers. Star walked back out where he had seen his signal, made his own. He waddled as fast as he could on wide-spread, yellow star-tipped legs. Just as the Star got a couple five feet from the cart, a semi-truck backed through the wall. The bang of it started the alarms going. Luckily, the cart had been the exact height as the floor of the lowered semi. The buns and coffee supplyslid nicely into the truck, and the cart sped away toward the Star. The Star cartwheeled up and over into the truck, lowering the cover. Another Star driving the semi signaled to two helicopters above, piloted by more Stars. Chains attached to the semi, and it was lifted by the helicopters. As they lifted the truck into the air, the Star inside the semi hit a detonator button. In the slowly disappearing view of the McDonald's, a bos of mayonnaise packets exploded. The building melted into a smoldering goo pile.

July 10, 2011

Thoughts from Gabriel Diarte

12:13am June 10th. Such a sad moment in my life as a son. Loss isn't always easy to deal with. However, the love someone leaves behind is a hard flame to smother. The closer to the heart things like love dwell, The more they influence your world and the people you share it with. So remember who you are and why you chose to be that way.
"The memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime."

This phrase has been stuck in my head since high school. It used to help me make myself work hard and try to do the best I could, ect. Because that's what I thought it was reminding me to do. But now, a little older, I've found success is a poor reason to live. Don't forget that your "old age" isn't guaranteed, and your success short lived. So use your life wisely, as there may be less of it than you think. And never forget that people are the most important thing you have. Because without love and other people to share it with, life is utterly meaningless.

May 16, 2011

My dance magazine, Titillating Toes!!

I am making a dance magazine! If you are a dancer send me a picture of you in your dance attire, and write me a piece about how you started dancing and why you love it so much. Also family and friends of dancers, I would love to hear your thoughts about your children or friends dancing. Any stories or thought about dancing really would be helpful. Let me know if you would like to contribute! 

May 6, 2011

Back for more

'Why do you think we keep going back for more when our heart's broken? Whether it's the same person or not?'

"Because we always want what we have always loved. But when we go back hoping for more we will never get what we never got. Hoping it will be what we wanted. But ask yourself? What did you love about it? How do we get it back? Why do we want it back? Why should we get it back? Questions like that keep making us go back for more hoping it will work. Wondering if it will work. Something needs to change but we can't change ourselves. So what? My best bet is saying screw it."

'So with that point of view the only people who will end up happy will be the people who fit together but the things around them don't until they can make it work.'

We accept the love we think we deserve - Perks of being a Wallflower

April 22, 2011

We are One

Lion King 2: We are One.

"If there's so much I must be
Can I still just be me
The way I am?

Can I trust in my own heart
Or am I just one part
Of some big plan?"

Enough said.

Knowledge = Happiness?

Some people say knowledge will make you happy. But is that really true? Searching for knowledge you can't find can be depressing. Also, if you begin to believe what you think you know, then it turns out to be all wrong, how devastating would that be? People who don't search for knowledge too hard walk around happy and content with what they know. Aristotle said the happy life is the good life. Einstein said that he never viewed happiness as an ends in itself.  From this, the question what is the meaning of life arises. This, I still have no answer to. So, is dismissing the questions such as where do thoughts come from and what is the meaning of life, good for you, or bad for you?

-Tessa Parkinson and James McCaskey

April 21, 2011

"A riddle is nothing more than a trap for small minds, baited with the promise of understanding."

A dream is nothing more than a trap for the curious, baited with the promise of knowledge.

A life is nothing more than a trap for the born, baited with the promise of happiness.

A god is nothing more than a trap for the hopeful, baited with the promise of protection.

A fairytale is nothing more than a trap for the dreamer, baited with the promise of happily ever after.

A hope is nothing more than a trap for the lost, baited with the promise of guidance.

A love is nothing more than a trap for the romantic, baited with the promise of hope.

A prayer is nothing more than a trap for the needy, baited with the promise of help.

A religion is nothing more than a trap for the gullible, baited with the promise of comfort.

A theory is nothing more than a trap for the brilliant, baited with the promise of understanding.

A belief is nothing more than a trap for the trusting, baited with the promise of explanation.

April 15, 2011

Friday night

7:00 and we are racing to put our nudies, makeup on, get our hair up and set up our props. It's been an exhausting week but the excitement from the prospect of showing off our talent on a stage in front of a live audience energizes us. Sitting in the dressing rooms, we giggle and laugh as we put on our make-up.
7:15 and the intercom echoes with a 15 minute warning. Almost time! We fix each others wispies, do up costumes, and a bit slap happy, we fall over ourselves as we race down three flights of stairs, a curse to anyone who has been dancing for a couple hours and has sore feet. Waiting anxiously for the announcer to announce, the curtain to go up, and the orchestra to pick up their instruments.
7:30 and we are on stage, still waiting for the curtain to go up. People are taking their time buying their tickets. We talk about whose family is holding us up, and whose bought their tickets ahead of time like smart people. A little bantering, fake pouting, and laughter floats around. We are shushed, the audience might hear us. So we giggle quieter, then shush the little girls for their screaming laughter, like we just were hushed ourselves.
7:37 and finally the music begins and the curtain goes up. A little disappointment of how many people are in the audience, a lot of excitement that those few people are going to be treated by us. Some of us watch quietly, hiding in the wings until our friends come off stage and we help them change costumes to go on again. When it's our turn to go on, we are ready at least two scenes early, anxious to show our own talent instead of watching others dance.
9:00 and it's just about finale time. Everyone gathers on stage in the way choreographed by our director, and we line up and dance the biggest and happiest we have all night. Almost crying because of the emotional story line, we grin big and leave an impression the audience will never forget. We line up to bow and the audience goes wild, we get a standing ovation. The curtain goes down and we all race to unhook our costumes and take our pointe shoes off our sore feet. We stand and listen to our director praise us, criticize us, advise us.
9:30 and we are out of our dance clothes, stage make up off and regular make up perfected, and we put on our dresses, help each other do hair, and head down to greet our friends and family who came to support us.
10:00 and we are heading home, exhausted but the most content we have been in a long time. Time to go to sleep to do the same tomorrow.

April 4, 2011

Black Swan

I watched Black Swan last night, and it meant more to me than the average person. Even the average dancer. Swan Lake has always been my dream. I've always wanted to be Odette, the innocent girl who was cursed to be a swan.

In the movie The Black Swan, Nina Sayers has a lot of issues. She hasn't moved out, hasn't grown up, she struggles with abusing herself because she wants to be better. She is bulimic because dancers have to have a certain body type to make their way to the top easier. (Dancers like Jenifer Ringer are to be honored because she fought her way out of that and is amazing in ballet fans eyes even though she has a thicker body type)

Her multiple personality disorder that seemed to be created by the stress of trying to be someone she wasn't, was what made her a success. She was able to be who she naturally was, when that was asked, and be the black swan when that was asked of her. That kind of thing comes naturally to people who are good with acting, but ballerinas generally have one genre of people. Most ballets the principals play characters that are sweet, beautiful, and innocent. It takes a lot to get emotion out there in the form of evil.

Men seem to be better at that because the men's principal parts in ballets are evil more often then the women's principal parts.

If one can create their own multiple personality in their own mind, because they don't have the natural talent, maybe they can do more. The possibilities are endless...

March 27, 2011


Most people Hate monologues in old Shakespearean plays. But you know what made those plays so much better and more meaningful than movies these days? Those monologues. The talking out loud to oneself with complete honesty is something you can only see in books. No modern movies have the thoughts and feelings portrayed so completely as in monologues in plays. In modern movies all you have is wonder, and facial expressions which are unclear and very misleading at the best of times.

March 1, 2011

My Utopia

Welcome to my world.
                This is a place where there are no outside influences. We are a closed off town deep in the jungles of America. Who really know where we are? Not us. We stay in here for the most part. Children are not allowed out of the boundaries, and nobody is allowed in unless they were born here. Six people created this place. It ended up saving the world from being destroyed..so far. The world turned bad. Lots of people don’t consider it bad, just change. The six who created our home disagreed with what was happening in the world. Men were treating women badly, women were treating men badly. Children were becoming violent and disrespectful. Drugs and Alcohol were in everyone’s systems at most times. People were fat and lazy because there were so many new technology things to do things for you. Creativeness had fled, and live performance had died.
                The six knew if their children were to be raised in a world where there was respect, hard work, and morals, they had to start over. They left, bringing as much as they could. Their food menu was skimpy. They could only bring so much livestock and other treats. They brought the necessities first. Six years they prepared. They learned to harvest crops and livestock, spin wool, and build houses.  Tres is to be the teacher of school, Un teaches physical fitness and appearance. Deux is the builder of buildings and teacher of boys and their respect, and Cuatro and Sei are the gardeners and harvesters. Cinque is the animal caretaker.  The women were to teach and cook, the men to work during the day to provide for the women. Children were raised to be moral and polite. The town was a success. The six weren’t arrogant, and they allowed people to join, as long as they believed in these morals and behaved in the town.
                When they became of age, 21 in our culture, the parents brought the children out into the world to live for three years. There they could choose to live like the world, or to return to their town where peace and happiness was always guaranteed. Most returned, and usually brought an outside friend or two. Many of those friends were kicked out, but they couldn’t stay and be the way they were. Those influences were not tolerated.
                Religion was not an issue, as each family believed what it believed. Most believed in nothing, had never heard of religion and didn’t worry about the afterlife or gods. They believed in themselves, and with the support and love they received throughout their lifetime, they were miracle workers. Each and every child raised here.
                The world was falling apart outside but here, peace reigned. Because there was an amount of peace on earth, there was enough balance not to turn the world over and drop everyone off the face of the earth.

February 18, 2011


The wind blew past me to rustle the leaves next to me. I swayed gently to the music that was created. Pure air was all that was between the ground and I. I had grown up quickly in the spring air. I could feel my stem that tied me home begin to give way. I was ready to be free, to begin the adventure that would be my life. Creaking, I eased my way free. Falling to the ground, I left my family tree. One day I would create my own family and be a tree of power. The wind took me to a place father than I had expected to go. I began to be frightened. Things were disappointingly uneventful, and already my red skin was turning an awful brown color. I had all but given up when a small boy and girl came upon me. The boy had been leaving bread crumbs, and they had no food. I was picked up and carressed gently. I was split and eaten. The conscious part of me was left behind, and as the children moved on, I was forgotten. Left in the earth to die, unburied, unable to continue to my next adventure.

Hold fast to dreams for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly

Wings flapping, the dream was soaring high as the strongest eagle, powerful as the scariest hawk. It soared faster than the Peregrin Falcon, was airborne longer than the Sooty Tern and saw more than the Woodcock. Years upon years the dream soared in the sky, touching lives, displaying its greatness. In one instant however, one person's invention, anothers carelessness, the dream died. How could it not, when 4000 pounds of steel was thrust into its center? The invincible dream was broken. No air creature can fly broken-winged. The world weeped, peace was broken, and chaos wrought the lovers of that dream. Who knows when another dream hero will arise. Possibly never. Certainly none greater than the now dead dream of millions.


Walking down the stairs with my hand on the rail, I felt all self conciousness leave. Whether there was someone else watching, I would never know, nor did I care. Staring blankly into the room that was as empty as the picture behind my eyelids. I walked the length of the room in a zig zag, using my slippered feet to make sure nothing was ready to jump out and bar my way. For this, I needed all the physical freedom the floor could give me. I felt for the play button on the little boom box in the far corner, and turned my favorite music on. Kurt Bestor's score of "The Secret Garden" flowed onto the air, and began to move my feet. Images filled my mind, finally coloring the blank blackness I had harbored for so long. The curtain went up, the stage lights flooded my senses, along with cheers from the audience that was now before me. Dancing, I could see again. When the music ended, and everything was silent, the audience's applause faded, and the darkness crept back to steal my sight and happiness, until I could once again dance, and see.

February 9, 2011

I am a Dancer

By Martha Graham
(from marthagraham.org)

I am a dancer. I believe that we learn by practice. Whether it means to learn to dance by practicing dancing or to learn to live by practicing living, the principles are the same. In each it is the performance of a dedicated precise set of acts, physical or intellectual, from which comes shape of achievement, a sense of one's being, a satisfaction of spirit. One becomes in some area an athlete of God.

To practice means to perform, in the face of all obstacles, some act of vision, of faith, of desire. Practice is a means of inviting the perfection desired.

I think the reason dance has held such an ageless magic for the world is that it has been the symbol of the performance of living. Even as I write, time has begun to make today yesterday-the past. The most brilliant scientific discoveries will in time change and perhaps grow obsolete, as new scientific manifestations emerge. But art is eternal, for it reveals the inner landscape, which is the soul of man.

Many times I hear the phrase "the dance of life." It is an expression that touches me deeply, for the instrument through which the dance speaks is also the instrument through which life is lived-the human body. It is the instrument by which all the primaries of life are made manifest. It holds in its memory all matters of life and death and love. Dancing appears glamorous, easy, delightful. But the path to the paradise of the achievement is not easier than any other. There is fatigue so great that the body cries, even in its sleep. There are times of complete frustration, there are daily small deaths. Then I need all the comfort that practice has stored in my memory, a tenacity of faith.

It takes about ten years to make a mature dancer. The training is twofold. First comes the study and practice of the craft which is the school where you are working in order to strengthen the muscular structure of the body. The body is shaped, disciplined, honored, and in time, trusted. The movement becomes clean, precise, eloquent, truthful. Movement never lies. It is a barometer telling the state of the soul's weather to all who can read it. This might be called the law of the dancer's life-the law which governs its outer aspects.

Then comes the cultivation of the being from which whatever you have to say comes. It doesn't just come out of nowhere, it comes out of a great curiosity. The main thing, of course, always is the fact that there is only one of you in the world, just one, and if that is not fulfilled then something has been lost. Ambition is not enough; necessity is everything. It is through this that the legends of the soul's journey are retold with all their tragedy and their bitterness and sweetness of living. It is at this point that the weep of life catches up with the mere personality of the performer, and while the individual becomes greater, the personal becomes less personal. And there is grace. I mean the grace resulting from faith — faith in life, in love, in people, in the act of dancing. All this is necessary to any performance in life which is magnetic, powerful, rich in meaning.

In a dancer, there is a reverence for such forgotten things as the miracle of the small beautiful bones and their delicate strength. In a thinker, there is a reverence for the beauty of the alert and directed and lucid mind. In all of us who perform there is an awareness of the smile which is part of the equipment, or gift, of the acrobat.

We have all walked the high wire of circumstance at times. We recognize the gravity pull of the earth as he does. The smile is there because he is practicing living at that instant of danger. He does not choose to fall. At times I fear walking that tightrope. I fear the venture into the unknown. But that is part of the act of creating and the act of performing. That is what a dancer does.

February 7, 2011

Just some favorite quotes of mine. Feel free to comment and leave your own

"Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced." - Soren Kierkegaard
“Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.” ~Terry Prachett
"I'm the kind of girl who, when the world is falling apart around me, I can pull out a deck of cards and play." Tessa Parkinson
Do not live your life with full of WHAT IF's. rather, live your life with full of WHY NOT's
When words fail, Action speaks. When Action fails, Eyes speak. When Eyes fail, Tears speak. And when everything else fails, Silence speaks.
Enthusiasm is excitement with inspiration, motivation, and a pinch of creativity. 
"...It's like there's a part of you that thinks if you give people a cause not to like you, then when they don't, it's okay because you were the one who decided they weren't allowed to like you anyway." Sherillyn Kenyon

"People who are rather more than six feet tall and nearly as broad across the shoulders often have uneventful journeys. People jump out at them from behind rocks then say things like, "Oh. Sorry. I thought you were someone else." Terry Pratchett
To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful. This is power, it is glory on earth and it is yours for the taking.
-Agnes De Mille-

When I miss class for one day, I know it.n When I miss class for two days, my teacher knows it. When I miss class for three days, the audience knows it.
-Rudolf Nureyev-

A dancer, more than any other human being, dies two deaths: the first, the physical when the powerfully trained body will no longer respond as you would wish.
-Martha Graham-

There are three steps you have to complete to become a professional dancer: learn to dance, learn to perform and learn how to cope with injuries.
-D. Gere-

Dancers are a great breed of people. And they really want to dance so you don't have to beg them to work. However, dancers sometimes build walls around themselves because they are presenting themselves all the time: dancing is very much a confession.
-Suzanne Farrell-

I think most dancers would agree that the art of ballet chooses the dancer, not the other way around.
-Kevin McKenzie-

Just remember when you're not practicing that someone somewhere is and when you meet them, they will win.
-Jaques d'Amboise

I set as my goal to be the best dancer I could be. Not the most famous, or the highest paid dancer, just the best I could be. Out of this discipline came great freedom and calm.
-Suzanne Farrell-

A toe shoe is an eccentric as the ballerina who wears it: their marriage is a commitment.
-Toni Bentley-

Ballet technique is arbitrary and very difficult. It never becomes easy; it becomes possible.
-Agnes De Mille-

If I could tell you what it meant, there would be no point dancing it.
-Isadora Duncan-

The teacher doesn't teach, not really. The teacher offers stimulation and ways in which the person can educate himself or herself. At best the teacher wakes up that person and makes a person hungry.
-Murray Louis-

Seen from the wings, a ballerina's life is made-up of sheer physical misery relieved only by the euphoria of performance. Physical agony is a normal thing backstage and arouses the awe and pity only of outsiders unused to its sight.
"If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought." Peace Pilgrim
 We are here to add what we can to life, not to get what we can from it. - William Osler
"The whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will become of you, depend on no one. Only the moment you reject all help you are freed." Buddha
 Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there. -Will Rogers

"Imperfection is beauty. Madness is genius and it is better to be absolutely ridiculous then absolutly boring." Marilyn Monroe

January 24, 2011


Love is like a puzzle.  When you're in love, all the pieces fit but when your heart gets broken, it takes a while to get everything back together.  ~Author Unknown

Heartbreak doesn't just break a heart. It breaks families, friends, lovers and lives. When two people decide to start a relationship, with high hopes and dreams of having this feeling forever, they share that happiness with their friends. Then the two meet the families, and began to share memories with not only their loved one, but the whole family. They are loved. But when one person is torn from someone who still loves them. Families loose them, friends loose them, and the lover looses them. 
What is there to do? There's no comfort for a broken heart when you are young. It's the end of the world and what use is there going on. They fall into a pit and won't take the rope you throw to them. It kills you to see your best friend or sibling hurting, changing, and killing themselves over someone who may have been the one but isn't anymore. 
How do you explain to someone while they are being torn apart that it's possible to move on. There's no way I would listen to people when I was heartbroken.

January 21, 2011


We're too sacred to evolve, too intricate to simply exist. That's how we're so sure our creator evolved or existed first-Joshua Merrell

Everything you believe, you make it real. Nothings real to a person until its believed and we are the ones creating magic, life, miracles, with no ones help, its us so what we believe is real, who cares what others believe, its not their magic being done. It's not a matter of right or wrong, it's a matter of getting the task done a different way. I believe that coincidences, luck, karma, is all caused by us ourselves. I believe that if you believe a god is doing something for you, you are simply giving credit to yourself in another name.

‎"From the smallest necessity to the highest religious abstraction, from the wheel to the skyscraper, everything we are and everything we have comes from one attribute of man - the function of his reasoning mind. " -Ayn Rand

January 20, 2011

Backward Bill

Backward Bill, Backward Bill,
He lives way up on Backward Hill,
Which is really a hole in the sandy ground
(But that's a hill turned upside down),

Backward Bill's he rides like the wind
Don't know where he's going but sees where he's been.
His spurs they go "neigh" and his horse it goes "clang",
And his six-gun goes "gnab," it never goes "bang."

Backward Bill's got a backward pup,
They eat their supper when the sun comes up,
And he's got a wife named Backward Lil,
"She's my own true hate," says Backward Bill.

Backward Bill wears his hat on his toes
And puts on his underwear over his clothes.
And come every payday he pays his boss,
And rides off a-smilin' a-carryin' his hoss.

-Shel Silverstein
One of TNT's FAVORITE poems!!


Sometimes I wish I was a guy. I have so many ideas of how to propose. Here's my favorite. Get a cabin, tent, or trailer in the mountains. Get up early and hike up to it with my woman. Spend the night there. Shoot rubber bands at the stars, swim in the creek (clothes optional) then eat steak for dinner. Handmade on a campfire. Either pop the question right before bed, or put it on a stick inside a marshmallow to be roasted and given to her...the latter is risky though.

Parrots eating bubblegum

I'm a parrot. My name is Flash and my brother here is Zip. We saved the rain forest. It was a dark, stormy night..no, actually, we were in the middle of a drought. Trees were dying and food was disappearing. Zip and I were flying through the heat one day, trying to find water for our family. We came across some sticky pink stuff on a tree. Hungry as we were, we tried it. The pink stuff never broke down. But Zip here noticed it was moist. So we spit it out. But the good stuck to my beak and when I spit, it blew air at the good and made it stretch. It got caught on a branch. Startled, we left. Some time later we went back and that whole tree was blooming. So, we spit the goo on all the trees. They bloomed with the good until the rain came back.

January 5, 2011

Model or Ballerina?

Young 18 year old Tessa Parkinson was just starting her life as the night cook at Steiny's Family Sports Grill when her dreams were cut short. Parkinson had modeled for her friends t-shirt company and another family friends photography business advertisement. Director of the Ballet Way magazine, Ryan Raal saw her while shopping for a humorous t-shirt for his own daughters christmas present. He remembered Parkinson's name from Imagine Ballet Theatre's World Premiere of the Secret Garden, and had noted she was a ballerina with excellent potential. He sought her out while she was working one night, and after eating the best pizza he'd tasted, Raal asked if she was interested in starting ballet again. Enthusiastically, Parkinson said yes. He hired her on for pointe shoe modeling in exchange for a position in Miami City Ballet. She has danced as the prima ballerina star roll in many new ballets that she was kind enough to provide a modernized twist for the shows to gather a larger variety of people.