January 20, 2011

Parrots eating bubblegum

I'm a parrot. My name is Flash and my brother here is Zip. We saved the rain forest. It was a dark, stormy night..no, actually, we were in the middle of a drought. Trees were dying and food was disappearing. Zip and I were flying through the heat one day, trying to find water for our family. We came across some sticky pink stuff on a tree. Hungry as we were, we tried it. The pink stuff never broke down. But Zip here noticed it was moist. So we spit it out. But the good stuck to my beak and when I spit, it blew air at the good and made it stretch. It got caught on a branch. Startled, we left. Some time later we went back and that whole tree was blooming. So, we spit the goo on all the trees. They bloomed with the good until the rain came back.

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