February 18, 2011


The wind blew past me to rustle the leaves next to me. I swayed gently to the music that was created. Pure air was all that was between the ground and I. I had grown up quickly in the spring air. I could feel my stem that tied me home begin to give way. I was ready to be free, to begin the adventure that would be my life. Creaking, I eased my way free. Falling to the ground, I left my family tree. One day I would create my own family and be a tree of power. The wind took me to a place father than I had expected to go. I began to be frightened. Things were disappointingly uneventful, and already my red skin was turning an awful brown color. I had all but given up when a small boy and girl came upon me. The boy had been leaving bread crumbs, and they had no food. I was picked up and carressed gently. I was split and eaten. The conscious part of me was left behind, and as the children moved on, I was forgotten. Left in the earth to die, unburied, unable to continue to my next adventure.

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