February 18, 2011


Walking down the stairs with my hand on the rail, I felt all self conciousness leave. Whether there was someone else watching, I would never know, nor did I care. Staring blankly into the room that was as empty as the picture behind my eyelids. I walked the length of the room in a zig zag, using my slippered feet to make sure nothing was ready to jump out and bar my way. For this, I needed all the physical freedom the floor could give me. I felt for the play button on the little boom box in the far corner, and turned my favorite music on. Kurt Bestor's score of "The Secret Garden" flowed onto the air, and began to move my feet. Images filled my mind, finally coloring the blank blackness I had harbored for so long. The curtain went up, the stage lights flooded my senses, along with cheers from the audience that was now before me. Dancing, I could see again. When the music ended, and everything was silent, the audience's applause faded, and the darkness crept back to steal my sight and happiness, until I could once again dance, and see.

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