February 18, 2011

Hold fast to dreams for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly

Wings flapping, the dream was soaring high as the strongest eagle, powerful as the scariest hawk. It soared faster than the Peregrin Falcon, was airborne longer than the Sooty Tern and saw more than the Woodcock. Years upon years the dream soared in the sky, touching lives, displaying its greatness. In one instant however, one person's invention, anothers carelessness, the dream died. How could it not, when 4000 pounds of steel was thrust into its center? The invincible dream was broken. No air creature can fly broken-winged. The world weeped, peace was broken, and chaos wrought the lovers of that dream. Who knows when another dream hero will arise. Possibly never. Certainly none greater than the now dead dream of millions.

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