July 10, 2011

Thoughts from Gabriel Diarte

12:13am June 10th. Such a sad moment in my life as a son. Loss isn't always easy to deal with. However, the love someone leaves behind is a hard flame to smother. The closer to the heart things like love dwell, The more they influence your world and the people you share it with. So remember who you are and why you chose to be that way.
"The memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime."

This phrase has been stuck in my head since high school. It used to help me make myself work hard and try to do the best I could, ect. Because that's what I thought it was reminding me to do. But now, a little older, I've found success is a poor reason to live. Don't forget that your "old age" isn't guaranteed, and your success short lived. So use your life wisely, as there may be less of it than you think. And never forget that people are the most important thing you have. Because without love and other people to share it with, life is utterly meaningless.

1 comment:

  1. I wrote this on the year anniversary of my fathers passing, I'm happy you found some meaning in it. :)

    - Gabriel James Diarte
