February 26, 2013

The Empty Chair

"One day she will show up." He paused to look longingly at the other couples gathered there that February 14th night. "When the right girl comes along." The waitress looked skeptically at the man who reserved a dinner for two every year, and then waited for the right girl to come along and sit down. He refused any girl who hit on him any other week, where he was undoubtedly to be found sitting at the bar. "I firnly believe that special girl, the one made just right fo rme, will find me. And I will be prepared for her." That's what he said last year, and the year before that. He said that every year for the 6 years this girl had been working there. Many times had they discussed well into the night about fate and soulmates. She knew he was a romantic. She continued on her way, serving the happy couples dressed in pink, red and white. He always waited until a half hour before the kitchen closed before ordering food. She kept a close eye on him, fearing...she knew not what. He wasn't the kind of guy to have a mental breakdown yet...here he was, sitting at a table set for two, just waiting for the perfect girl to fall into his lap. "Why do you expect her to just show up?" The waitress asked himt hat night. "You should be out looking for her." He gave her a look mixed with confusion and almost surprise. Then the look lightened, and he laughed. "Because I have done my part already." She looked at him ghastly, not believing the extent of his selfishness. She scoffed aloud, "That is absolutely no way to expect a girl to fall for you. Sitting here, paying money for nobody year after year, will earn no woman's love." The man looked at her and smiled tenderly. "I have searched for her. And I found her. I spend this day alone, but with her. If only she will come to me." The waitress thought for a long moment. Then she slowly sat down in the second chair.

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