February 13, 2013


I think one of the points of dreams are to rid ourselves of emotions that we do not use commonly, but are healthy for our balance. I also think that dreams can serve as an eye-opener, if you care enough to remember and interpret them. My dream last night was off issues with my fiancee, and in the dream, we grew stronger. That might have had something to do with the marriage 101 lecture my dance teacher gave me that night before bed, but the dream enforced a situation and specific emotions into my mind. It's easier to remember emotions and happenings other than words of someone. Dreams are "what if"s and "could be"s of our lives. Why not pay attention to them and try to make it happen? Don't forget your dreams. Write down the real emotional ones, and look over them again later, and try to put it all together. Heed the advice.

Symbols. There are always symbols to a dream. Look at the photo above. Typical dream right? Missing pieces, and Rainbow in the night, which doesn't make sense. Contradictions may just be a way to relax yourself in the dream. Who doesn't love a full moon, and rainbows? That's also one way to tell you are dreaming, if you are conscious enough to see it. I use things like that in my dreams to tell whether or not I actually took out the trash or went pee, because that dream felt so real.

 Emotions.Once again, emotions are put there to make you remember. But there will always be a level of emotional attachment to your dreams, because they are in you. There's a level of emotion to watching movies, and most dreams are the same as that. The ones with stronger emotions are the ones meant to tell you something.

Flashes. Ever notice how certain things are missing? The picture above is missing the rest of the world! My belief is that they then aren't to be worried about. We miss those things in our dreams because we need to know what our subconscious is telling us. The missing things are not pertaining to the point. So when you try to interpret the dream, only use the factors that the dream provided you. If you try to stick your sister into the situation, you will never figure out what it was the dream was showing you.

Control. If you pay attention to your dreams when you wake up, and start noticing what is wrong with them, and being able to know when you are dreaming, you can change factors in the dream. My most recent dream, I've always wanted kids, but recently changed my mind, so I pushed the kids out of my mind and dream. Pay attention to the real and not-so-real details, and the rest will come naturally.

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