September 27, 2010


Some people believe you have only one soulmate and that one day you will marry that person, have kids and live happily ever after. Some people believe you have one guy soulmate, and one girl soulmate. But still others believe your best friend or siblings can be your soulmate. THe latter is what I personally believe.
Soul mates are created from souls splitting at death. When a person has a hard life, usually a lot of death involved, and they die from betrayal. Those souls, if no one is there waiting to catch them, splits into two. Stereotypically one good and one evil. In most cases the split souls are reincarnated as twins, but in others they are placed with similar childhoods. The "evil" half has the worse of the two childhoods. The "good" half has life hardly any easier than the other. Through life without the other half, the soul can create either a mask or a dummy. The mask mellows the evil and corrupts the good to the point of equality and possible wholeness for the half. A dummy is another person the half creates to replace it's other half.

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