October 26, 2013

If you mess with the bull, you get the horns.

When my siblings are I were being homeschooled, we didn't do our work very often. So we were often up late pretending to do it. My mom was working graveyards and we were to have some specific assignments accomplished by the time she came home. So naturally, we were all tired, but deserving of this unusual but worthy attempt to motivate us to do our homework. Anyway, Trina and I got in a fight about who knows what, and we started screaming at each other. Somehow I screamed "Mess with the bull, you get the horns!" and put little horns on my head made of my own fingers. A lot like this:

So Trina, not to be outdone by my theatrical demonstration of anger, made a cape and a nose ring. Like this:

But I yelled at her that you can't get the horns if the bull doesn't have any, so I made horns and a ring. Like...

Naturally, it was so funny all was forgiven and we moved on and it has been in our memories ever since.
These were recorded October 2013, but it was probably seven or eight years before. We decided to record this and blog it so that a record would hopefully be kept so that our children could see this one day and be encouraged by our weirdness.

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