April 28, 2013


Every day in life is a lesson. There is so much in the world that we can learn about. Not necessarily about science and technology and engineering. We learn about each other. The more we live, the more we understand how people work. Course there are those people Nobody knows what goes through their brains. But even those people can begin to be understood. Not nearly to the degree of the average person, but a little. Enough to get you through the world.

Songs: Songs are great for learning about people. Honestly everyone who has ever written a great song has put a part of themselves in it. I was just listening to This ain't nothing by Craig Morgan and now Tiny Dancer by Elton John. Craig Morgan's song talks about a man who had lost his house, and he didn't care, because that was nothing compared to what he had already lost. There are two ways to interpret this song, and everyone will do it differently. One person could say it's because his heart is so broken he is numb. Some could say it's because he is grateful that it was just his house and not perhaps his grand kids. The way one interprets the song can also tell a lot about their personality.So when you hear stories in the news or from people themselves, about someone who has lost everything, you can sympathize just a little more than before, because someone has relayed to you through song just how awful their experience was, and how it was similar to the news story. Tiny Dancer is about a girl who marries a music man. Now, we can always just look up the background stories, and that's helpful. But what I get out of this song is he is talking about his best friend, or maybe his daughter and how she is personality-wise. Could be his wife. Either way he knows she is happy and is happy she's happy. See now we have one perspective on how a best friend might feel about letting his friend getting married. We also have a perspective on a vague love story. Maybe someone who is in love with the tiny dancer who is marrying someone else and he doesn't really want her to know. 
So many lessons to learn from songs about people and their attitudes towards things.

Movies and Books : This one is a little different than songs because songs are mostly based off feelings. Stories such as those in movies and books can be fictional or real. Complete fantasy or autobiographies. However, Even though they are fictional, someone still wrote it. Their version of a person was portrayed to us through a fictional character. So if they wrote a character's reaction to something, it's most likely the way they, or someone they have experienced, would react. If it's not, the reaction was created by the author or director's brain and who is to say that one day he will be subconsciously doing what he had created for his story. We can never rule out feelings and reactions in books and movies because even though most people may never go through these events, someone out there will react in a similar way. We can learn from the people around the reactor, and see how they handle the reactions. That can tell us how to go about soothing or shooting down those people who need it. Even if we don't agree with the way they did it, well, that opens our own minds to new possibilities created by ourselves and then there is one more feeling on the world.

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