July 27, 2011

Written by Candace Brook

Thank you for da suggestion... something about a foot....
Here ya go Erin :)
That shoe,
That sock,
Whatt is wrong with you to torture me like that.
That shoe,
Gives me blisters of pain,
Makes me ache after I walk for awhile,
Creates sunc high temps that could kill!
That sock,
Like putting a plastic bag over your head,
Skin tight and not comfortable,
increasing temps like the shoe!
You foot torturer!
I'd rather be murdered,
The shoe and sock are bullies!
I'm your foot!
Save me!
I'd like to see you walk without me,
One day you'll regret this torture.
I'll get you,
And your shoes and socks too.

July 25, 2011

A Carl's Jr. robs McDonald's

A Carl's Jr. Star sneaked quietly up to the McDonald's door. Staying just out of sight of the cameras, the star looked for the signal. When it appeared, he took the key out of his tip pocket and opened the door and slipped inside. McDonald's was known for their Big Macs and McCafe. The star walked into the freezer and pulled out all the Big Mac buns and sauce and stacked them in front of a wall on a cart. Star stacked all the coffee items he could find on top of that: grounds, filters, pots, syrups, and makers. Star walked back out where he had seen his signal, made his own. He waddled as fast as he could on wide-spread, yellow star-tipped legs. Just as the Star got a couple five feet from the cart, a semi-truck backed through the wall. The bang of it started the alarms going. Luckily, the cart had been the exact height as the floor of the lowered semi. The buns and coffee supplyslid nicely into the truck, and the cart sped away toward the Star. The Star cartwheeled up and over into the truck, lowering the cover. Another Star driving the semi signaled to two helicopters above, piloted by more Stars. Chains attached to the semi, and it was lifted by the helicopters. As they lifted the truck into the air, the Star inside the semi hit a detonator button. In the slowly disappearing view of the McDonald's, a bos of mayonnaise packets exploded. The building melted into a smoldering goo pile.

July 10, 2011

Thoughts from Gabriel Diarte

12:13am June 10th. Such a sad moment in my life as a son. Loss isn't always easy to deal with. However, the love someone leaves behind is a hard flame to smother. The closer to the heart things like love dwell, The more they influence your world and the people you share it with. So remember who you are and why you chose to be that way.
"The memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime."

This phrase has been stuck in my head since high school. It used to help me make myself work hard and try to do the best I could, ect. Because that's what I thought it was reminding me to do. But now, a little older, I've found success is a poor reason to live. Don't forget that your "old age" isn't guaranteed, and your success short lived. So use your life wisely, as there may be less of it than you think. And never forget that people are the most important thing you have. Because without love and other people to share it with, life is utterly meaningless.