December 1, 2010

Diary of the President
This letter was written in response to “Dear Mr President” written by the musical group Pink.

Dear Pink
You wanted me to take a walk with you, to ‘pretend we’re just two people and you’re no better than me.’ But when you talked to me, you treated me abnormal. You asked what I felt when I saw all the homeless on the streets. I must say, I feel the same way most people, most likely including you, do. I feel bad for them and resolve to attempt to do something about it, then get distracted and don’t worry about it until the subject comes up again. You asked me who I pray for at night, and my answer is me. I pray that I have the courage to keep our country going, through good and bad. You asked if I was proud when I looked in the mirror. I am proud of myself, yes. And I’m proud to be proud of myself. One needs to have pride to continue doing what they are capable of. I’m not so prideful I become corrupt.  I am proud to be leading such an awesome country. You ask why I sleep when the rest of you cry, why I dream when a mother has no chance to say goodbye, how I can walk with my head held high. I can look you in the eye and ask you the exact same thing. Unless you are in that position, you do not have the right to judge me. Those who are in the position and act reasonable in spite of the situation are those who realize this has happened from the beginning of the earth and it will continue to the end of the earth. It’s part of the balance of nature.
            The only reason I would take my own daughter’s rights away is if I thought it was necessary for protection of her. And believe me; my child is in danger on a daily basis. A father would never truly hate his own daughter simply because she was gay. He would be disappointed and hurt, shunning her out but I know as much as any father that even though I want my daughter to be happy, being gay will not make her happy in the end. As for working at minimum wage with a baby, and rebuilding your house after it was destroyed, where do you think I started? I wasn’t rich my whole life, I had to start somewhere as does everyone. Sure, as a guy there’s no way I was pregnant and working but I had other things too. I had to pay for college to work my way to the place I’m at now. I worked my ass off to get where I am. Now my goal is to help the rest of the people in my country the best I can. But I can't give anyone motivation. Some things can't be helped unless its a group effort. 
               Mr. President.

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