May 9, 2014


Being a dancer is not what I do, its who I am. The feelings ballet brings to me are addicting. Legs shaped for sexy, laden with muscle complimenting pink tights, and pointe shoes to stand tall, above everyone. The black leotard envelops my thin muscular body to show off all the good curves and even the lack of. Then the actual dancing. The shape of a ballerinas arms are always elegant and meant to show off. They encompass the head and accent the face. The legs are built to impress. To turn, balance, linger and in general, impress. When you hear a piece of classical music, with no lyrics to dictate the feel, and you put your emotion to it in your body, there's a connection built and you grow to love that music. You know that feeling you get when something special happens, and you want to tell everyone? I feel that when I dance, and that's a feeling I wish I could share with the world.