January 31, 2014

What you don't know about cutting

Cutting is when a person will cut into their skin, usually on the forearms. Some do it on the top, some do it on the wrists. It's very cliche to do it on the wrists, but that's where you hit the best release. People do it for different reasons: to distract from emotional pain, to draw attention, to punish themselves, for a release. Yes, cutting is a release. It's also very addicting. Cutting is hard to deal with after the fact, and people look down on you because of that. Sure, you don't care what people think, because you are depressed and think that nobody loves you. Maybe that's true, maybe it's not.
The problem is, you aren't going to know until a few years down the road. In the state of mind you are at currently, you are hopeless. Nothing will get through your crazy, wild emotions right now. So go ahead, cut. But when your life is finally going right, you have a good job, you have a good guy or girl in your life, you are getting along with your parents, those scars on your arms don't go away. And guess what? You'll regret it. People at your job aren't dumb, and they see those. They can either see this two ways, and please remember that you yourself will look down on weak people because well, you pulled through your weak days and came out fine, so why shouldn't they buck up and do it right?
Well these people you work with will either see exactly that, that you were weak, having to do that to yourself, or that you pulled through and have straightened up. They'll see you as either unstable, or stronger than most. And when they see you as stronger, that's an awesome feeling. Unfortunately, that's 1 in 10 people. Most people judge, because most people don't go through this level of depression. Or they do but they had a different situation and their own releases. Ones that didn't cause physical scars that you will carry for the rest of your life. But still, people judge. It's only human. And they will cause your business customers and money one day. And that will come crashing down on you. Maybe not from your boss, but from you. You will feel like shit because you were weak for those couple years in high school. And guess what, that feeling will bring you back to the craving for the painful release.
But you can't do it, because it already screwed you up.
Your family won't judge as harshly, but they will certainly reprimand it subtly. And that will make you feel great. Not. That'll make you want to do it again too.
But you can't do it, because it will cause more than this, and your pride is greater than your release right now. Besides, at this point in your life there are different releases. Different happiness that you can distract yourself with.

Don't be weak. Yes, this time in your life is difficult. Maybe there is nobody there for you, or maybe there is and you just can't take their help for whatever reason. Do not be weak and start this bad habit. It's worse than smoking. Don't smoke either. Sit on your bed and cry it out. Sit through the depression and the loneliness, and pull through.
The very best release if working out. Work your body so hard that you pass out every night and are sore every morning. You will get the same release and instead of it harming your body, it will clear your head and you will feel really good about your body. Remember, you don't have to go to a gym to work out. Google things you can do at home for cheap. And do that. Physical exercise creates the same release that cutting does. Work out. Don't cut.