February 27, 2012

High School Reminiscance

There was a time when life was easy.
We hopped in a bus every morning, pitying ourselves for having to get up so early. The bus was naptime in the morning, relax and review time in the afternoon. We would arrive at the big portable rooms, and immediately look for our friends, hoping to talk about absolutely nothing for the three minutes we had to get to class. In between class we would repeat.
By lunch time we were dying to tell stories of the classes and rumors that had spread. Mostly though we couldn’t wait to meet up in our usual spot, sometimes move to a new spot, find the one friend that missed the memo because they actually turned off their phone in class, and head up to the bookstore to buy some food. Junk food was our main diet for four years.
Boys of course, came through out little group. Whether they were Trina’s, or mine, they never stayed long.

The only way to survive high school was, of course, to be mean. I was really the only mean one, the others tried to keep me in line. There were people who knew I became meaner all the time, and those who were afraid of me. The sophomores (s’mores) heard legends about me by the time I was a senior.

Ah…senior year. Ce-e-e-elebrate good times come on! Oh yeah. That was a blast. It began in the end of August, where everything was calm for about two weeks into September. Then I landed myself into archway. That was nothing school related, lucky for me. I had just got into a fight with my mom. After that, my care for everything went to hell. I loved my friends and that’s all I went for.
It seemed I sluffed more often than not, until I got suspended. Well, maybe that care left after I survived swine flu, but my dear aunt Cathy didn’t. Maybe, it was even the lack of my friends who had graduated the year before. Bus rides were spent alone, and they were depressing. So I would shove everything but fun aside the second I got off that bus until the second I got back on the bus. I had no clue I had begun to care so little until I was suspended. Then I started caring, just enough to not get caught.
I got in a fight my senior prom, getting assault charges. After that, for some reason people started to respect me. Too bad that was a month before I graduated. Could’ve used that when they were stuffing powdered jelly donuts into our bags and ‘accidentally’ tripping as we walked by, dumping drinks on us.
Sluffing was fun.
We attempted to go to the zoo, and got lost, so just wandered around Salt Lake. We went to the Gateway and spent all the money we had. We went again just to get away from school and life. Most the time we would hang out in the study room of WSU’s computer lab.
Only a few times did we hang out after school, since nobody had funds, cars, or time.
There were 7 of us in our group. The lovebirds couple, the Jokester blonde, the Midget, the Mexican(t), the Druggie, and our ‘gay guy’, who isn’t really gay but people saw him that way. Now, the lovebird boy was kicked out, the lovebird girl is in Indiana, the Jokester blonde has 3 jobs, the Midget isolated herself and is struggling to get a life back, the Mexican(t) keeps switching schools and jobs, can’t seeming to find her place, the Druggie just works and does drugs, and the ‘gay guy’ has a steady job, tons of friends, and does full-time college.  What a group eh?