March 27, 2011


Most people Hate monologues in old Shakespearean plays. But you know what made those plays so much better and more meaningful than movies these days? Those monologues. The talking out loud to oneself with complete honesty is something you can only see in books. No modern movies have the thoughts and feelings portrayed so completely as in monologues in plays. In modern movies all you have is wonder, and facial expressions which are unclear and very misleading at the best of times.

March 1, 2011

My Utopia

Welcome to my world.
                This is a place where there are no outside influences. We are a closed off town deep in the jungles of America. Who really know where we are? Not us. We stay in here for the most part. Children are not allowed out of the boundaries, and nobody is allowed in unless they were born here. Six people created this place. It ended up saving the world from being far. The world turned bad. Lots of people don’t consider it bad, just change. The six who created our home disagreed with what was happening in the world. Men were treating women badly, women were treating men badly. Children were becoming violent and disrespectful. Drugs and Alcohol were in everyone’s systems at most times. People were fat and lazy because there were so many new technology things to do things for you. Creativeness had fled, and live performance had died.
                The six knew if their children were to be raised in a world where there was respect, hard work, and morals, they had to start over. They left, bringing as much as they could. Their food menu was skimpy. They could only bring so much livestock and other treats. They brought the necessities first. Six years they prepared. They learned to harvest crops and livestock, spin wool, and build houses.  Tres is to be the teacher of school, Un teaches physical fitness and appearance. Deux is the builder of buildings and teacher of boys and their respect, and Cuatro and Sei are the gardeners and harvesters. Cinque is the animal caretaker.  The women were to teach and cook, the men to work during the day to provide for the women. Children were raised to be moral and polite. The town was a success. The six weren’t arrogant, and they allowed people to join, as long as they believed in these morals and behaved in the town.
                When they became of age, 21 in our culture, the parents brought the children out into the world to live for three years. There they could choose to live like the world, or to return to their town where peace and happiness was always guaranteed. Most returned, and usually brought an outside friend or two. Many of those friends were kicked out, but they couldn’t stay and be the way they were. Those influences were not tolerated.
                Religion was not an issue, as each family believed what it believed. Most believed in nothing, had never heard of religion and didn’t worry about the afterlife or gods. They believed in themselves, and with the support and love they received throughout their lifetime, they were miracle workers. Each and every child raised here.
                The world was falling apart outside but here, peace reigned. Because there was an amount of peace on earth, there was enough balance not to turn the world over and drop everyone off the face of the earth.