October 28, 2010

True Self

How do we know who we truly are? I think it's when you are completely content with yourself. You like what you do, you like how you do it, and you like the results of your actions. Most people are content with themselves, they just are unhappy with their surroundings. They want more and more stuff and when they get more, they change. And when they receive that change, they hate it so they try to fix it by wanting more stuff. Well, it's not the stuff that's the problem, it's that the stuff changed them, and they need to not let that happen. They need to be themselves. It's hard, but being ourselves is the only way to live happily.

Song: Stuff Mart- Veggie Tales

October 3, 2010


Desire is the longing for something. We go through life, and that desire never goes away. We always want more than what we have. The idea of satisfaction was driven away with the beginning of religion, the start of technology and the demolishing of true virtues. Religion teaches there are wrong things in the world. That either makes us want to change ourselves or change the world. Sometimes both. We desire that everything be right with the world. Technology makes people lazy, and with that comes the desire to be lazier with no consequences. True virtues and chivalry are no longer in play in the world. Feminism has played a major part in that. Feminists have enabled women to have a say in their world, to get up and do more than they have been allowed to. But why can't that happen without losing the respect men have always had for women? So the desire was to have women world and now the desire is to have the same respect as before.


What's your definition of magic? Mine is manipulation. Quick change artists, children's magicians, ventriloquists, pagan witchery, spies, and liars all perform magic. The magic accepted by society is those that perform on stage. Those who prefer to be less social perform magic in their homes and in secrecy. Society has been taught that magic, as in witchcraft, is evil. The people who taught them that knows it's not evil; they're jealous or scared or want revenge. People are scared of unknown things, yet they choose the silliest things to put their trust in. Nobody likes or trusts pagans although their ways have been proved safe and correct throughout the years. Cars kill people and pollute the air. Yet most people would choose a car over pagan teachings.


Do you believe there is no such thing as coincidence? That there is greater forces, gods, karma, etc, that causes every little thing to happen? I don't. There is no force out there big enough or capable enough to cause everything we call coincidence. Gods can't mess with a person's life unless the person accepts and believes they're real. This is why it seems that the Christian god only bothers to work with selected people. He can't handle it all. The pagan gods have such fewer followers that they can handle most or all their followers. But yes. Coincidence is real and it happens all the time.

Change in yourself

A lot of people ask each other, "What would you change about me?" and "What would you change about yourself?" Our life experiences make us the porcelain dolls we need to be at certain times, and the broken house that really needs a remodeling at other times. So who would want to change anything? There's always a balance of good and bad in every person and right now you know your flaws and how to cope with them. If I change something I have to learn to deal with new flaws. People will never live happily if they can't be grateful for what they have.


I believe there are 3 ways a person dies.
1. Murder
2. When they figure out what life's about.
3. When they mentally can't handle it anymore.

1. Murder: Karma generally. You do something stupid, you die. Simple enough. Or when you're times about up and someone else needs to be punished.
2. When a person figures out what life's about, there's no reason for them to continue living, so they die. Accidents, heart attacks, heat strokes, etc...
3. Your mind can only handle so much, and when your mind hits the limit, times up. Which is a lot of the reason we don't remember our past lives. Unless we died prematurely by being murdered. Then we can remember some of our pasts. Suicide fits under this category as well. People kill themselves when they mentally can't handle it.

Men love vs. Women love

"Women simply cannot love as deeply as men." -William Shakespeare. Twelfth Night.
I believe this! My theory, and yes, there's sooo many arguments to this, is that women have a harder time overlooking mistakes and blemishes in a guys personality and features. Men are the ones who have to work hard for women, because women have always been the respected ones. Women are more fragile, they are weaker, and they get hurt easier. Thus our human instincts say, 'o, the guys have to be the losers and ask the girls out' yay! So guys can appreciate what they get more than the women can.